A new trailer for the new year, with a spanking new tune by Allicorn, who is also our new programmery person!
Previously Allicorn did half of the droid sound effects and music for Droid Assault – his first task as full-time new programmery person is to make the Sandbox Mode add-on content for Revenge of the Titans, and hopefully he’ll have that ready for Easter or thereabouts. Over to Cas…
Allicorn and I have played pen-and-paper RPGs together once a week for the last five years. He is frighteningly clever but humble and helpful. When he’s not doing RPG gaming with me and our mutual friends, or coding for Puppygames, he’s also one of the administrators of Yog-Sothoth. I’d like to think there was some overlap in our clientele already.
Welcome Allicorn, looking forward to the Sandbox Mode!
Me too ^^
By the way, do you intend to either explain how to do a mod or give the last version of the source ? Or would the sandbox mode include a neat way to do mod ?
BTW, sorry I didn’t mention anything about the video. I had alredy seen it when Cas tweeted about it. It made me want to play Droid Assault again. But that’ll have to wait, I’m still using the last days of Yeti Attack to see if I can beat the Yetis a third time 🙂
In my opinion, the “Droid Assault”-video was severely flawed in that it at no point directly showed the light squad-based aspect that’s so integral to gameplay, save for a few shots of the between-missions menu screen. If I had just stumbled upon the trailer with no prior knowledge of the game, I’d have thought this was just yet another dime-a-dozen, generic ego-shooter where you’re all alone against hordes of enemies, and as such, soundly ignored it.
Instead of mostly showing scenes of one solitary character running around, killing everything, you should have had more scenes showing two teams of bots shooting at each other
I’m sorry to be so frank, but this trailer missed the point entirely, in my opinion.
i’d have to agree with Lusketrollet. as an avid droid assault player i did enjoy the fancy maneuverings and close action. but alas, for me, the awesome magnitude of the game wasn’t conveyed. i would have love to see a shot of the “god” perspective (last seen in previous versions.)
it’s an effin’ lovely game and i would love to see more people playing it.
Puppy desparately needs a forum. I was severely dissapointed that there was no place to discuss Droid Assault strategies and also provide feedback to the devs. I can’t think of any other game I’ve played that didn’t have a forum to support it…
We used to have one but we got hacked fairly nastily through it. We’re basically going to let Steam take care of forum activity for us from now on (after all that’s where 90% of our customers are now, bah). You don’t have to be a Steam user to use the Steam forums btw.
Until we get a dedicated Droid Assault forum (which seems a bit silly but there you go) feel free to jump in on the Revenge of the Titans one instead.
Thanks for responding. I probably wouldn’t be asking for this if all your games were available on steam (hence recieving a forum). The steam forums are a poor second to having your own dedicated forums, but I can appreciate not wanting the hassle. I hope that you can put all of your games up on steam eventually…
Don’t worry, they’re all coming! Droid Assault is ready and we’re remaking Ultratron completely at the moment.